187 Millburn Ave, Millburn, NJ 07041
Sleep Better Jersey | Oral Appliance Therapy, Sleep Apnea and Snoring Treatment

Our Team

Tracy Madonia, RDA

Dental Sleep Treatment Coordinator

Tracy began her dental career in 1986 as a part-time dental assistant while still in high school. She quickly realized her love for dentistry and never looked back! She became a registered dental assistant with expanded functions in 1992 and continually improves her skills through continuing education courses. Tracy thoroughly enjoys interacting with each patient while supporting them throughout their individual process with compassion and kindness. She has a true passion for educating her patients about their sleep health. Whether you reach us by phone, email or by walking in the front door, Tracy is always ready and willing to help you with any questions or concerns you may have about sleep disordered breathing/sleep apnea. She loves talking about sleep!

About Us

Our goal is to help every patient experience the benefits of a restorative night’s sleep. We value the trust you have placed in our office and strive to provide solutions that meet your needs and expectations of care.